
UQ Research & Innovation Week: Transforming CO2 from waste to valuable resource

TIME: 10:00am

WHEN: 4 October, 2024

LOCATION: Room 275, Global Change Institute (20), UQ St Lucia


Join us for a panel discussion with researchers from the ARC Centre of Excellence GETCO2 about how CO2 conversion technology can help us achieve net zero and catalyse a green manufacturing and export revolution for Australia.

Date: Friday 4 October, 2024
Time: 10:00-11:00am
Venue: Global Change Institute (20), Seminar room 275, UQ St Lucia Campus / online -Zoom link: https://uqz.zoom.us/j/89075431990

Alumni, researchers, government, industry, undergraduate & postgraduate students, members of the public are all welcome.

Expert panellists

Simon Smart
A Prof Simon Smart
Darren Martin
Prof Darren Martin
Tom Rufford
A/Prof Tom Rufford
Ruth Knibbe
A/Prof Ruth Knibbe
Xiwang Zhang
Prof Xiwang Zhang







Register Now Email - getco2@uq.edu.au